About Us

Welcome to Mud Review. We bring you the best unbiased reviews about MUD Water. We are not officially linked with MUT/WTR one way or other. All we do is to conduct thorough reviews about MUD WTR.

Our aim is to make things easier for you and let you choose the best for yourself. MUD WTR is the best substitute for coffee and if you haven’t tried it yet, then its time to go for it.

Where did it all started?

The founder of the MUD WTR coffee has been living in India and that is from where he got the inspiration to invent an extra-ordinary drink. He has been a great fond of coffee, but the dependency and anxiety caused him to step back and review his addiction.

Like most people, he too was fed up of the jerks and energy crashes caused by coffee.

He gave up on coffee and suddenly felt the urge to look for alternatives. He was looking for something which

– Induced alertness, not dependency
– Improved my mental capacity and function
– Improved my physical stamina and performance
– Improved my immunity and overall health

Through Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, he was introduced to Yerba Mate which is a kind of tea. It contains leaves of Mate tree. Hot water is poured over these leaves and you get a cup of perfect tea which is then devoured with a filtered straw called Bombilla. This drink has been on his nerves for its delicious taste and health benefits.

But again the problem was dependency. It contained caffeine just like coffee.

Then he moved to India and there he fell in love with Chai (tea). Chai can be regarded as the symbolic representation of the South-Asian Culture. If you ever go there, you will see the Chai being served in every corner of the streets. The Chai not only taste exotic but it also has numerous health benefits.

After living in India, the founder moved to California and there with Gucci health food stores, he was introduced to some new substances.

– Lion’s mane (increases mental performance)
– Cordyceps (increases physical performance)
– Reishi (helps in recovery and immunity)
– Chaga (affects positively on overall health)
– Turmeric (inflammation)
– Cacao (enhances mood)

Over the next year he started mixing all these elements with a bit of masala chai (thanks india) sea salt and vanilla. He used to take a hydro flask and pour in hot boiling water. Inspired by his experience with Mate, he would drink this kind of tea down to about half way and then again top it off with hot water and would sip this all day.

After some unsuccessful experiments and kitchen disasters, he finally nailed it. It became his said morning drink. He noticed huge difference in his mental and physical health throughout the day.

As the founder Shane says

CEO Mut Wtr Shane Heath

 ‘’I created this drink for myself. It was my own exploration of finding the ingredients I believed in to solve my need. I called it MUD WTR and now I’m sharing it with you.’’

Drink some with me.’’

This is how the MUD WTR came into existence if you’re still confused about the process, drop us an email and we will help you clear out all the queries.

Mud Wtr Coffee Alternative Review